
Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Sea Turtles

Sea turtle eats seaweed  
Eggs look like ping pong ball
Artificial lighting confuses hatchlings

Turtles confuse plastics  for jellyfish  
Under the sea turtles swim fast
Turtles are slow on land

Leatherbacks skin used for boots
Eats sea grass underwater  
Sea turtles lay there eggs on land
Image result for sea turtle

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

I heard a whisper

I went to my aunt's house because our parents were gone to dinner so they left us home and then I heard a whisper.

It came from the basement. I went  with my aunt to investigate because it was night and  I was scared to go by myself so I asked my  aunt if she could come  with me.

When we got to  the basement nothing was there in the
basement then we went back.    I was worried because I  heard a whisper and  it came from the rooms.When I got there  something was there but  i didn’t know what it was.
It was my nana and  she gave me a fright while  she was in her bed.
I was  terrified!

Free vector graphic: Man, Grandmother - Free Image on Pixabay ...

Monday, 18 September 2017

Place Value

Sol solve place value word pro problem
While exploring Skeleton Island,Lance and his friends found a large bag of money hidden in a cave.The bag was full of $200,$100,$50,$20,$10,$5,$2 notes and coins.After counting the money for a whole night they came up with this figure.$997
How many of each note and coins do you think they counted?
4 x $200 = $800
1 x $100 = $100
$800 + $100 =$900

$800 + $100 = $900

1 x $50 = $50
1 x 20 = $20

$50 + $20  + $20 = $90

1 x $5 = $5
1 x $2 = $2

5 + 2 = $7

Friday, 8 September 2017

Place Value

W.A.L.T: Solve word problems
While exploring the Treasure Island, pirate Long John Silver found a large bag of money hidden in a cave. The bag was full of $100, $50, $20, $10, and $1 coins. After counting the money for the whole night, he came up with this figure.
How many of each note and coins do you think he counted.

$487= $400,$50,$20,$10,$7

Image result for money and coins

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Monday, 4 September 2017

Super Glue

W.A.L.T. use information in the text and create our own superhero
My superhero is called Super Rubber. If someone loses their rubber he comes and helps to rub off their mistake so that they can correct their work. Super Rubber to the rescue!
Image result for super hero ruber

Thursday, 24 August 2017


Title: How to make tea

What you need  
  1. Fill in the jug with water
  2. Plug the jug on
  3. Put the teabag in the cup
  4. Boil the water
  5. Image result for how to make taePour the water in the cup
  6. Stir the water
  7. Wait  for one minute
  8. Remove the tea bag
  9. Add  milk and sugar
  10. Stir

Thursday, 17 August 2017

The Four Dragons

CREATE: Map showing the 4 great rivers in China and explaining how they were formed. The  four dragons were trapped in the mountains and they turned into  four rivers Heilong Jiang, Huang He, Chang Jiang and  Zhu Jiang  that flowed into the sea.  

Map of China

Friday, 11 August 2017


Our theme for this term is Resilience and our topic is Emotions. I am happy when people play with me and i play with them too.

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Maths Strategy

W.A.L.T. Solve multiplication problems using our xtables and partitioning numbers
Problem: Miss Stone has ordered a huge box of lollies for the class. The box contains 12 packets of lollies. In each packet there are 14 lollies. How many lollies does Miss Stone have altogether? 

My strategy:
Image result for lollies in a box
10 x 12  =120
 4 x 12 = 48
 12 x 14 = 168 

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Friday, 7 April 2017

Wild Orphans

W.A.L.T. identify the main ideas in the text.
Today I read about Wild Orphans

  1. Adult elephants are killed for their tusks.
  2. Baby elephants are rescued by plane.
  3. They are taken to the Tsavo  National Park in Kenya.
  4. The elephants get their name from the area they are found.
  5. The baby elephants like to play at sunrise and they enjoy company.Image result for elephants

Friday, 31 March 2017

Wild Orphans

This week we read an article about Wild Orphans.This is a map of Africa showing KENYA where the Tsavo National Park is where the orphan elephants are taken off.

Monday, 27 February 2017

My new chrome book

On Wednesday 15th February 2017 I  got a new chrome book.I was very excited to get my chrome book.  I learnt how  to enter my password and log in. I then took a photo of myself and it was so cool.I can now do my writing, maths and research on my chrome book.