
Friday, 21 June 2019

what causes a tornado

A  tornado is a violent rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground. The most violent tornadoes are capable of tremendous destruction with wind speeds up to 300 mph.They can destroy large buildings, uproot trees and hurl vehicles hundreds of yards. They can also drive straw into trees. Damage paths can be in excess of one mile wide to 50 miles long. In an average year, 1000 tornadoes are reported nationwide.


  1. Hi Penelope, I'm in your buddy class in Awapuni school Gisborne and I would like to say well done on your writing it is interesting and helps me understand more if there is a tornado. What I think you could do better is maybe explain where tornado are most popular or how much damage they can do! Thanks for listening. by Amity

  2. Hello Penelope, I,m in your buddy class at Awapuni school Gisborne.
    I like the way you discibe how a tornado works and how fast goes, And how you have used discriptive language

    1. Thank you Harata for commenting on my blog I will be reading your blogs.


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